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I've been writing fiction for a long time, and since about 2007 the primary thing I've written has been fanfiction. Harry Potter, to be specific. I also write original fics, generally romance novels, none of which I have ever posted anywhere.

You can find my author page on AO3 here. If you read something, leave kudos and comments! And same for other authors, if you read any fanfics, leave some love for the author. Fanfic is a gift to the fandom - authors don't get paid, so if you read something, let the author know. It's fanfic good manners!

Story Universes

I primarily write in two different universes: Unsinkable and Midnight Run. I do have a lot of one-shots as well that don't go into the main series worlds, and Unsinkable has spawned its own spinoff series, The Dragon Keeper. These stories used to be posted on a now-defunct fanfic website, where I had thousands of reviews (what AO3 calls comments), but sadly that site is gone now. I reposted my stories to Archive Of Our Own, where they continue to live, and that is where I post new things I've written since the demise of the old HPFF site.

If I start posting a story online, I will finish it. I have a thing about this. I don't orphan stories.


Unsinkable began with Molly and Arthur Weasley as teenagers at Hogwarts, and has now expanded to far beyond that, but the core of the story is still in the late 1960s Hogwarts. This series is much more serious than the Midnight Run-verse (despite the Rose trilogy being murder mysteries/detective novels). Sometimes fluffy and romantic, sometimes sad and angsty, what started with a short story of Molly's love potion became nearly half a million words. I did kill off a major character in this series, and ever since have had people gently throwing wadded up tissues at me in comments and emails, sobbing, for doing so.

Here's the fanon wiki to this story: The Unsinkable Molly Prewett. It hasn't been updated in a long time, not since the old HPFF website went down, but I'm still pretty proud that someone made pages for my stories in the fandom wiki. There are links to the other Unsinkable-verse stories fan pages here.

Stories in Unsinkable

These are in chronological order, barring the prequrel "Fireworks", and the AU story someone requested as a Christmas gift, "Three Christmases".

Midnight Run

The next gen universe in which Rose Weasley, bounty hunter, trails through life in a cloud of chaos and pink t-shirts with glittery unicorns on them, along with Scorpius the unemployed artist and all the various Weasley cousins. And of course, Johnny Lupin.

This series includes the story that I consider the best thing I've ever written, "The New Pride of Portree". It's got some of my top favorite scenes and moments I've written as well, from Arthur Weasley wheezing with laughter over Scorpius getting his old job to Ron and Hermione arguing in a hotel lobby until she stops speaking to him. Have I married off all the Weasley grandkids yet? Nearly! These stories are humor, romance, mystery. Novel-lengths, novellas, short stories, and one-shots. Most of them can stand alone, but they are all interconnected. The primary Rose trilogy is "Just Another Midnight Run", "A Weirder Shade of Midnight", and "Midnight Over Broadway".

This is also the series where my current work-in-progress lives: "Johnny's Girl". This particular story is centered around Johnny Lupin, son of Teddy and Victoire Lupin, in his sixth year at Hogwarts. Johnny as a character starts out in JAMR as a three year old, and he's featured or mentioned in pretty much every story in the Midnight Run-verse. Scorpius calls Johnny catastrophically charismatic. It might be an understatement.

Here's the fanon wiki to this story: Just Another Midnight Run. As above, not updated in a long time.

Stories in Midnight Run

This is the preferred, mostly chronological, reading order for this series:

The Dragon Keeper

This story world is part of the Unsinkable universe. It belongs to one of the OCs I created in "The Unsinkable Molly Prewett".

Currently there are two main stories in this series, but I am working on the next one. I originally didn't intend to go beyond "The Dragon Keeper", but best laid plans and all that, and so I split it off on AO3 into its own series, because the last part of this is really not very Unsinkable, and will not feature any of the Unsinkable group except Siobhan and a brief Molly cameo.

Stories in The Dragon Keeper

Other Authors I Love

If you're poking around AO3 and want something else to read, might I recommend the works of my excellent and esteemed fanfic friend, RonsGirlFriday?